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Chicago visitors flock to Millennium Park to attend free concerts, snap photos near the famous <a href= sculpture,</a> wander through Lurie Garden, and admire the changing pictures and fanciful waterspouts of <em>Crown Fountain</em>. Surrounding this iconic park are towering skyscrapers designed by renowned architects such as Louis Sullivan and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe—masterpieces best appreciated by taking <a href="">an architecture cruise</a> up the Chicago River. Another way to see the city is from the 96th floor of the John Hancock Center, where the Signature Lounge offers one of the most glorious views of Chicago. Visitors will appreciate it even more with a cocktail in hand." width="660" height="453" data-srcset="!/quality/90/? 1x,!/quality/90/? 2x" data-src="!/quality/90/?" data-lazy-load="true" src="" >